Outcomes of the university project “Prevention of the climate change effects on endangered species

Published in Monteverdia, 2019

Recommended citation: Azanza Ricardo, J., Forneiro Martin-Viaña, Y., Martínez González, Y., Márquez, L., Pérez Alarcón, A., Calderón Peña, R... y Fernández, J. (2019). Outcomes of the university project “Prevention of the climate change effects on endangered species . Monteverdia, 12 (2), e3273. https://revistas.reduc.edu.cu/index.php/monteverdia/3273



The knowledge of temporal distribution patterns of rainfall generated by tropical cyclones is an essential element for the anticipation and confrontation of hydrological disasters of all kinds, providing an appropriate technical and theoretical basis to support decision making in each territory. In the present research by processing the precipitation outputs of the atmospheric Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), a procedure is designed and applied to determine the standardized patterns of the respective mass curves and hyetographs, distributed geographically in Cuba. The results obtained accurately reflected the aspects that influence the rainfalls of these organisms as they pass through each of the established regions of the country.

Keywords: conservancy, biodiversity, sea turtles